After the login you are redirected to the logbook. For a new user the logbook is empty of course, this is why we have made some example entries for you with a dummy-user. This should be a small help for your start with the app.

To use the core function of the app - the logbook entries - you have to be located directly at a point of interest (summit, hut etc.). You recognize that when the big yellow button is displayed.


Given that SummitLynx is a summit book app, the entries should be made on a summit, at an alpine cabin or the lake. You recognize that you are at a point of interest as soon as you see the yellow pin icon at the bottom of the start page with the name of the destination. When you click on that button, an input field for your entry opens.

Too far away?

If you are more than 300 metres away from your chosen destination, an entry is not possible. Otherwise it would be much too easy to collect the points!

No internet connection?

If you don't have a data connection on-site, this won't be a problem. Your current location is saved via GPS and your entry will be stored locally on your mobile phone until you're at home and you have internet connection again. Please open the app in this case for a few seconds and wait until all your entries are transferred to us. You will recognize that as the entry will change from grey background to normal white background.

Photo and text

You have the possibility to either take a picture or choose an already existing photo from your smartphone; furthermore, you can add a text

Additional information

Complete your hiking log and fill in the duration of the activity, the elevation difference, the weather condition and the kind of movement (hiking, climbing, biking, cross-country skiing, ski tour, winter hiking). Tip: You'll get special badges for some sorts of movement, which reward your outdoor-activities.

Facebook / Twitter

You can choose if you want to share your entry on Facebook or Twitter.

Former entries

Former entries can be added subsequently at all times in order to complete your tour book. Of course, no points for the hiking badges will be credited for these entries. Here, you’ll find the instructions.

Edit check-ins afterwards

You can edit or delete your check-ins afterwards by using our website (not the app):

Please find more details about that here >>

June 28, 2021

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