With the Maishofen hiking pass to your hiking badge. How do you get the badge? Look for your favorite hiking tour and choose one of the hiking locations for a rest. Check in with at the locations with the SummitLynx app and collect the points. With 40 points you get the golden hiking badge which you can pick up in the tourist office of Maishofen (for a small charge of € 4,50).
Tourismusverband Maishofen |
Saalhofstraße 2 |
5751 Maishofen
redeem now
For this trophy, you need to achieve 40 points.
The points for a location are collected once per run. Collecting the same location multiple times does not score any additional points.
Questo ago può essere raggiunto più volte.
Una volta raggiunti i punti, questi vengono contati nuovamente dall'inizio.
Questo non ha effetto sui livelli superiori.