Gentle hilly landscapes, shadowy forests and great culinary delights: In our region, hiking, relaxation and indulgence go hand in hand. Those, who let their eyes wander over the rich green "humps", will feel body and soul come to rest. Many cycling routes with a large network of e-bikes and terrific excursion destinations complete the package. Whether you are a professional cyclist, an adventure-seeking family or a leisurely hiker - you will find refreshing nature experiences that will inspire you for a long time Many places are well connected to public transport, you can reach the region within an hour from Vienna.
Bucklige Welt
These trophies can be earned in Bucklige Welt:
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Where to go in Bucklige Welt? Here are the top locations:
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Here in Bucklige Welt is where it's all happening!
All trophy locations
Aussichtsplattform Hutwisch Hochneukirchen
Aussichtswarte Gschaidt - Luckerbauer Riegel
Biohof Stickelberg
Blickplatz Steinkreis
Burgberg - Johann Giefing Aussichtsturm
Burg Grimmenstein
Burgruine Kirchschlag
Burgruine Türkensturz / Pittentaler Klettersteig
das Linsberg
Eis Greissler Krumbach
Gesundheitsresort Königsberg
Gruabauers Forelle
Hexenweg Bromberg
Holzbauer Kapelle
Keltenfestplatz Schwarzenbach
Kölbl Edelbrände & Whiskey
Kräuterwirtin Gerda Stocker
Kupfer-Dachl - Görg
Maierhöfen Kapelle
Obstverarbeitung Winkler
Schwarzbräu Krumbach
Seisbichler Kapelle Krumbach
Triad Krumbach
Wallfahrtskirche Maria Schnee
Wetterkreuze Hollenthon
Windrad Lichtenegg
Wolfsbräu Thernberg
Ziegenhof Mandl