Eastern Styria impresses with its small but beautiful ski resorts with affordable skiing, easily accessible pistes, short and stress-free approaches. There is also plenty to experience and relax away from the slopes. Excellent cross-country ski trails, winter and snowshoe hikes, toboggan runs, winter wellness and much more await you.
The goodies from the hiking pin you have achieved can be collected from the Almenland Nature Park and the Joglland - Waldheimat region office.
You will receive a small gift for completing the Winter Needle, which can be collected from the Almenland Nature Park or Joglland-Waldheimat offices. We will also be happy to send you the gift, please send an email to info@oststeiermark.com with your certificate and your postal address.
redeem now
For this trophy, you need to achieve 50 points.
The points for a location are collected once per run. Collecting the same location multiple times does not score any additional points.
This trophy can be reached several times.
After reaching it, points are counted again from the beginning.
This has no effect on higher levels.